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Showing posts from 2015


Daniel kahneman, in his  book   Thinking fast and Slow  made it easy for us by dividing the brain into 02 sects , SYSTEM 1 and System 2. Whereas System 1 is the amaygdala reaction, Fight or flight mode and System 2 is the mind that contemplates and thinks about deeper things in life. We rarely use system 2 and get by our entire life by sustaining on System 1 itself. Similarly, in the  book   Untethered soul , it has been explained that constant chit chat happening in the background of our brain is the exact nature of the mind. It just cannot shut up. Judging, peeling, interfering, drawing inference and conclusions on each and every topic and each and every person is the nature of the mind. It has an amazing bandwidth but all is wasted on doing what it does. It just does not have the discretion to say NO. It just keeps thinking BULL SHIT. In the end I would quote  Ed Seykota  and you come to see his statement in new light when you link it with meditation and spirituality. Wi